The group at the base of Stratton!
Dinner Selfie Day 2
Codenames craze!
Celebrating Sayoni's completion of her PhD indoors (gasp!) at Mory's. This is the first time the entire group has gathered in two years, and it was very refreshing for all.
Payten, Abhi, Thien, and Santino had a blast at the Water GRC in Holderness, NH!
Mark and Santino gave talks
Thien caught up with his former undergrad PI and conference chair, Mary Schulz!
Ahmed, Santino, and Thien toured Germany in August and visited our colleagues in Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg’s Group (Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
Knut Asmis’ Group (Leipzig University)
Gert von Helden’s Group (Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin) where they caught up with Kim! A big thanks for your generous hospitality and for showing us a great time!
Ahmed, Santino, and Thien kicked off their big Europe trip at the MIC conference in Italy, where Thien gave a talk and the gang caught up with Franziska over some fine Italian wine!
Liv, Anna, Franziska, and Ahmed get some Lincoln Luck before their talks at ISMS!
Going away night for Evan and Joey at Mark’s impromptu sit-in outdoor theater.
Franziska and Gary take to the high seas on Moon Child
Abhi, Anna and Payten breath new life into New Tinman! GlyGly to the rescue!
Liv, Anna, Franziska and Ahmed Carbo-loading at the International Symposium for Molecular Spectroscopy (ISMS)
Kim solves the riddle of the snake! Must be a distant relative of Kekule…
Ahmed and Thien great our new secret weapon: Look out 4ABA…here’s comes trouble…
Human sculpture demonstrating the molecular-level mechanism of the Stark Reporter (in this case Prof. Jahan Dawlaty on the left)
April 6, 2022