

Mechanism of a Halogen Exchange Reaction in Water: Catalysis by Aqueous Media

Imon Mandal, Itai Zakai, Natalia Karimova, Mark Johnson, and R. Benny Gerber
accepted, ACS Central Science, March 2025pp. N/A

Isomers and band assignments in the cryogenic vibrational spectrum of the binary complex between water and protonated formic acid using two color, IR-IR photobleaching and H/D isotopic substitution

Erica L. Bocanegra, Abhijit Rana, Anne B. McCoy, Mark A. Johnson
submitted, pp. N/A

The onset for vibrationally-induced, intra-molecular proton transfer at three water molecules in microhydrated 4-aminobenzoic acid

Abhijit Rana, Payten A. Harville, Thien Khuu, R. Allen LaCour, Teresa Head-Gordon, and Mark A. Johnson
submitted, pp. N/A


Intramolecular Polarization Contributions to the pKa’s of Carboxylic Acids Through the Chain Length Dependence of Vibrational Tag-shifts in Cryogenically Cooled Pyridinium-(CH2)nCOOH (n = 1-7) Cations

Payten A. Harville, Olivia C. Moss, Yarra Hassan, Lasse Hunger, Ralf Ludwig, Anne B. McCoy*, and Mark A. Johnson*
J. Phys. Chem. A, special issue "Vicki H. Grassian Festschrift", Vol. 128, (47), pp. 10159-10166

Isomer-specific, Cryogenic Ion Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigation of D2- and N2- Tagged, Protonated Formic Acid Complexes Using Two Color, IR-IR Photobleaching

Erica L. Bocanegra, Abhijit Rana, Anne B. McCoy, Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 15, pp. 10944-10949

Demonstration of Capture, Cooling, Tagging, and Spectroscopic Characterization of UV Photoproduct Ions in a Cryogenic Ion Trap: Application to 266 nm Photofragment Ions from Rhodamine 6G

Payten A. Harville, Olivia C. Moss, Abhijit Rana, Elizabeth A. Snowden, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A special issue "Richard J. Saykally Festschrift" , Vol. 128, (36), 12pp. 7714-7719

Measuring the Electric Fields of Ions Captured in Crown Ethers

Anwesha Maitra, William R. Lake, Ahmed Mohamed, Sean C. Edington, Pratyusha Das, Barry C. Thompson, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Mark Johnson, and Jahan M. Dawlaty
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 15, (27), pp. 7458-7465

Spectroscopic evidence for doubly hydrogen-bonded cationic dimers in the solid, liquid and the gaseous phases of carboxyl-functionalized ionic liquids

Hunger, Lasse; Al Sheakh, Loai; Fritsch, Sebastian; Villinger, Alexander; Ludwig, Ralf; Harville, Payten; Moss, Olivia; Lachowicz, Anton; Johnson, Mark
J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 128, (22), 22pp. 5463-5471

Hydrogen Tag Shifts as Vibrational Reporters for Positional Isomers of Formylphenides: Surprising Mobility of the Carbanion Center Upon Collisional Decarboxylation of the Parent Benzoates

Olivia C. Moss, Tim Schleif, Joseph P. Messinger, Anna G. Rullán Buxó, Kim Greis, Evan H. Perez, Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 15, (7), pp. 1969-1974


Characterization of the oxazolone and macrocyclic motifs in the bn (n = 2-5) product ions from CID of protonated oligoglycine peptides with isomer-selective, cryogenic vibrational spectroscopy

Ahmed Mohamed, Abhijit Rana, Evan Perez, Franziska Dahlmann, Allison Fry, Fabian S. Menges, Michael van Stipdonk, Svenja Jaeger, Mark A. Boyer, Anne B. McCoy, Mark A. Johnson
JASMS, Vol. 35, (2), pp. 326-332

Intra-cluster charge migration upon hydration of protonated formic acid revealed by anharmonic analysis of cold ion vibrational spectra

Thien Khuu, Tim Schleif, Ahmed Mohamed, Sayoni Mitra, Jesus Valdiviezo, Joseph P. Heindel, Teresa Head-Gordon, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 127, (36, Marsha Lester Festschrift), pp. 7501-7509

Characterization of Oxidation Products from HOCl Uptake by Microhydrated Methionine Anions using Cryogenic Ion Vibrational Spectroscopy

Santino J. Stropoli, Kim Greis, Tim Schleif, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 127, (19), pp. 4269–4276

Observation of Slow Eigen-Zundel Interconversion in H+(H2O)6 Clusters upon Isomer-Selective Vibrational Excitation and Buffer Gas Cooling in a Cryogenic Ion Trap

Thien Khuu, Abhijit Rana, Sean C. Edington, Nan Yang, Anne B. McCoy, Mark A. Johnson
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., Vol. 34, (4), pp. 737-744

Spectroscopic Characterization of Divalent Metal Docking Motif to Isolated Cyanobenzoate: Direct Observation of Tridentate Binding to Ortho-Cyanobenzoate and Implications for the CN Response

Ahmed Mohamed, Sean C. Edington, Maxim Secor, James R. Breton, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 137, (6, Special Issue Honoring Michael R. Berman), pp. 1413–1421

High-resolution vibrational predissociation spectroscopy of I- H2O by single-mode CW infrared excitation in a 3D cryogenic ion trap

Payten Harville, Sean Edington, Olivia C. Moss, Meng Huang, Anne McCoy, Mark Johnson
Molecular Physics Issue Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dieter Gerlich, pp. e2174784

A Tribute to Michael R. Berman

Emily A. Carter, Mark A. Johnson, and Stephen R. Leone


Effects of Microhydration on the Mechanisms of Hydrolysis and Cl- Substitution in Reactions of N2O5 and Seawater

Laura M. McCaslin, Andreas W. Götz, Mark A. Johnson, and R. Benny Gerber
ChemPhysChem , Vol. 24, pp. e2022008

Structures and Chemical Rearrangements of Benzoate Derivatives Following Gas Phase Decarboxylation

Evan H. Perez, Tim Schleif, Joseph P. Messinger, Anna G. Rullán Buxó, Olivia C. Moss, Kim Greis, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., Vol. 33, (10), pp. 1914-1920

Microhydration of the metastable N-Protomer of 4-Aminobenzoic acid by condensation at 80K: H/D exchange without conversion to the more stable O-protomer

Thien Khuu, Santino J. Stropoli, Kim Greis, Nan Yang, Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 157, pp. 131102

Character of the OH Bend–Stretch Combination Band in the Vibrational Spectra of the “Magic” Number H3O+(H2O)20 and D3O+(D2O)20 Cluster Ions

Nan Yang, Rachel M. Huchmala, Anne B. McCoy*, and Mark A. Johnson*
J. Phys. Chem. Let., Vol. 13, (34), pp. 8116-8121