Structure and Reactivity of Catalytic Intermediates
In ourĀ Air Force Office of Scientific Research funded line of research, we are developing new methodologies to capture catalytic intermediates in the oxidation of H2O and the reduction of CO2 to reveal the actual chemical structures that contribute to these reactions…
Evaluating Chemical Models in the Temperature-controlled Cluster Regime
Our DOE-supported program extends our experimental and theoretical methods exploiting the unique properties of isolated cluster ions in order to quantify the molecular-level interactions that underlie complex…
Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy of Non-Covalent Interactions
In our National Science Foundation-funded program, we use the strong spectral response of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) observed in vibrational spectroscopy as a powerful structural probe for molecular assemblies tethered by multidentate linkages…
Understanding the Molecular Origins of Spectral Features displayed by Ions under Restricted Hydration or at the Air-Water Interface
We are part of a multi-university, NSF-funded NSF Center for Aerosol Impacts on Climate and the Environment (CAICE), allowing us to combine our experience in small water and salt clusters with a multidiscplinary teamĀ …