The group welcomes Yale Pathways to Science
The group welcomed high school students participating in the Yale Pathways to Science program for an overview of our research and a tour of the labs in SCL 9, KCL 101, and the CBIC! Thanks to Fabian, Sean, Evan, Santino, Thien, and Abhi for putting on a great introduction to physical chemistry at Yale!
Thien judges the New Haven Science Fair
The 2022 New Haven Science Fair is virtual again this year, but the caliber of scientific projects continues to rise! Thien was on the panel to pick the top three prizes for the 8th grade physical science category. Congrats to all the young future scientists who participated!
Evan Perez is Guest Speaker at Commonwealth Charter Academy
On January 13, Evan Perez paid a virtual visit to the seventh grade class at Commonwealth Charter Academy, a Pennsylvania Cyber School. He discussed what scientists do as well as show how molecules work with a live demonstration on our Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometer.
Yale Pathways to Science 2020
Kudos to Sean, Thien and Sayoni for holding a successful run of Pathways to Science virtually! The high schoolers were able to link chemistry to their everyday lives, including learning about the caffeine and sugar levels in their drinks.
Yale Pathways to Science 2019
The Johnson lab welcomed New Haven area high school students through the Yale Pathways to Science Summer Scholars Program. Mark shared what inspired him to become a scientist.
Demonstrations that are representative of our research were also given:
A saltwater circuit
deflecting an electron beam with a magnet,
visualizing electrospray,
as well as basics of proteomics mass spectrometry.
25th Annual New Haven Science Fair!
Chinh, Santino, and Thien were science fair judges at the 25th Annual New Haven Science Fair and saw some wonderful projects! There were a myriad of posters exploring fundamental mechanics such as drag and environmental research digging into lead contamination in community soils and how different additives (rocks, plants, and other materials) affect soil erosion. Thien was also a science fair project mentor and helped select winners for the American Chemical Society Special Award.
National Chem Week Fun at the Eli Whitney Museum
The Johnson Lab participated in the National Chem Week event at the Eli Whitney Museum, with demos involving smelling jars and UV Light Detecting Beads.
Arjeta's iMOS Internship at Yale
Arjeta Rushiti from Martina Havenith’s group at Ruhr-University Bochum wrote about her research experience in the Johnson lab. Read it here.
Collaboration with Ralf Ludwig Featured in the University of Rostock News
Click here for the article.
24th Annual New Haven Science Fair
Members of the Johnson lab served as judges this month at the 24th Annual New Haven Science Fair! They were able to talk to local students, grades Pre-K through 12, about the science projects they had worked on throughout the past school year. We were able to learn all about their work ranging over a wide variety of topics, including solar ovens, a comparison of the friction of different surfaces, the purification of water using the sun, and how lift and drag effected helicopters.