The gang catches up with previous visitors and group members at the 2023 Gaseous Ions GRC
Payten, Liv, James, Abhijit, and Ahmed at Stearn's Wharf in Santa Barbara!
Liv and Payten take the wheel at the wharf!
Gang learns more about infrared at Museum of Natural History in Santa Barbara!
MURI dinner with students from the Cooks, Zare, Head-Gordon, Dawlaty, and Johnson groups!
Ahmed and Tim take in the sites on the Stanford campus!
Tim, Thien, and Ahmed visit the USS Midway Museum in San Diego.
Thien, Tim, and Ahmed take in the sites at the Birch Aquarium in San Diego!
James, Ahbijit, & Ahmed reach the top of Snowbird Mountain Summit during the 28th Annual Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Conference in Snowbird, Utah.
Mark, James, Abhijit, & Ahmed are scattered throughout the 28th Annual Dynamics Of Molecular Collisions Conference Group Photo
James Breton attends the 50th Annual NOBCChE Conference and joins the nonprofit organization as the new National Student Rep for the 2023-2024 term!
JLab (James, Svenja, Roland, Fabian, & Abhijit) takes Svenja & Prof. Roland Wester to Visit Gibbs Gravestone
JLab takes Prof. Roland Wester to Morys!
JLab goes to Paradise Hills for Great Views and Wine
The group welcomes Prof. Roland Wester from the University of Innsbruck with a festive dinner at Mory’s.
The crew reunites to celebrate Thien and Adam at their wedding!
October 19, 2023