

Spectral signatures of hydrated proton vibrations in water clusters

Jeffrey M. Headrick, Eric G. Diken, Richard S. Walters, Nathan I. Hammer, Richard A. Christie, Jun Cui, Evgeniy M. Myshakin, Michael A. Duncan, Mark A. Johnson, and Kenneth D. Jordan
Science, Vol. 308, (5729), pp. 1765-1769

Photoelectron spectroscopy of the [glycine∙(H2O)1,2] clusters: Sequential hydration shifts and observation of isomers

Eric G. Diken, Jeffrey M. Headrick, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 122, (22), pp. 224317

An Infrared Investigation of the (CO2)n- Clusters:  Core Ion Switching from Both the Ion and Solvent Perspectives

J.-W. Shin, N. I. Hammer, M. A. Johnson, H. Schneider, A. Glöβ, and J. M. Weber
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 109, (14), pp. 3146-3152

Fundamental Excitations of the Shared Proton in the H3O2- and H5O2+ Complexes

Eric G. Diken, Jeffrey M. Headrick, Joseph R. Roscioli, Joseph C. Bopp, Mark A. Johnson, and Anne B. McCoy
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 109, (8), pp. 1487-1490

Argon Predissociation Spectroscopy of the OH-·H2O and Cl-·H2O Complexes in the 1000−1900 cm-1 Region:  Intramolecular Bending Transitions and the Search for the Shared-Proton Fundamental in the Hydroxide Monohydrate

Eric G. Diken, Jeffrey M. Headrick, Joseph R. Roscioli, Joseph C. Bopp, Mark A. Johnson, Anne B. McCoy, Xinchuan Huang, Stuart Carter, and Joel M. Bowman
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 109, (4), pp. 571-575

Role of Water in Electron-Initiated Processes and Radical Chemistry:  Issues and Scientific Advances

Bruce C. Garrett, David A. Dixon, Donald M. Camaioni, Daniel M. Chipman, Mark A. Johnson, Charles D. Jonah, Gregory A. Kimmel, John H. Miller, Thomas N. Rescigno, Peter J. Rossky, Sotiris S. Xantheas, Steven D. Colson, Allan H. Laufer, Douglas Ray, Paul F. Barbara, David M. Bartels, Kurt H. Becker, Kit H. Bowen, Jr., Stephen E. Bradforth, Ian Carmichael, James V. Coe, L. Rene Corrales, James P. Cowin, Michel Dupuis, Kenneth B. Eisenthal, James A. Franz, Maciej S. Gutowski, Kenneth D. Jordan, Bruce D. Kay, Jay A. LaVerne, Sergei V. Lymar, Theodore E. Madey, C. William McCurdy, Dan Meisel, Shaul Mukamel, Anders R. Nilsson, Thomas M. Orlando, Nikolay G. Petrik, Simon M. Pimblott, James R. Rustad, Gregory K. Schenter, Sherwin J. Singer, Andrei Tokmakoff, Lai-Sheng Wang, Curt Wittig, and Timothy S. Zwier
Chem. Rev., Vol. 105, (1), pp. 355-390


Predissociation spectroscopy of the argon-solvated H5O2+ “zundel” cation in the 1000–1900 cm−1 region

Jeffrey M. Headrick, Joseph C. Bopp, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, (23), pp. 11523-11526

Preparation and photoelectron spectrum of the ‘missing’ (H2O)4- cluster

Joong-Won Shin, Nathan I. Hammer, Jeffrey M. Headrick, and Mark A. Johnson
Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 399, (4-6), pp. 349-353

Argon Cluster-Mediated Trapping and Vibrational Spectroscopic Characterization of an OH-·HCH2• Intermediate in the O•- + CH4 Reaction

Eric G. Diken, Gary H. Weddle, Jeffrey M. Headrick, J. Mathias Weber, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 108, (46), pp. 10116-10121

How Do Small Water Clusters Bind an Excess Electron?

Nathan I. Hammer, Joong-Won Shin, Jeffrey M. Headrick, Eric G. Diken, Joseph R. Roscioli, Gary H. Weddle and Mark A. Johnson
Science, Vol. 306, (5695), pp. 675-679

Preparation and photoelectron spectrum of the glycine molecular anion: Assignment to a dipole-bound electron species with a high-dipole moment, non-zwitterionic form of the neutral core

Eric G. Diken, Nathan I. Hammer, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 120, (21), pp. 9899-9902

Infrared Signature of Structures Associated with the H+(H2O)n (n = 6 to 27) Clusters

J.-W. Shin, N. I. Hammer, E. G. Diken, M. A. Johnson, R. S. Walters, T. D. Jaeger, M. A. Duncan, R. A. Christie and K. D. Jordan
Science, Vol. 304, (5674), pp. 1137-1140

A Cluster Study of Cl2- Microhydration:  Size-Dependent Competition between Symmetrical H-Bonding to the Anion and the Formation of Cyclic Water Networks in the Cl2-·1−5(H2O) Series

Erica A. Price, Nathan I. Hammer, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 108, (18), pp. 3910-3915

Isotopic fractionation and zero-point effects in anionic H-bonded complexes: a comparison of the I · HDO and F · HDO ion–molecule clusters

Eric G. Diken, Joong-Won Shin, Erica A. Price, and Mark A. Johnson
Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 387, (1-3), pp. 17-22

The Vibrational Spectrum of the Neutral (H2O)6 Precursor to the “Magic” (H2O)6- Cluster Anion by Argon-Mediated, Population-Modulated Electron Attachment Spectroscopy

Eric G. Diken, William H. Robertson, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 108, (1), pp. 64-68


Large anharmonic effects in the infrared spectra of the symmetrical CH3NO2⋅(H2O) and CH3CO2⋅(H2O) complexes

Evgeniy M. Myshakin, Kenneth D. Jordan, Edwin L. Sibert, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 119, (19), pp. 10138-10145

Strong Similarities in the Local Hydration Environments of the Bromide Ion and the Cl-·CCl3 Ion−Radical Complex:  Factors Contributing to Intramolecular Distortions in the Primary Hydration Shell

William H. Robertson, Gary H. Weddle, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 107, (44), pp. 9312-9318

Infrared Signatures of a Water Molecule Attached to Triatomic Domains of Molecular Anions:  Evolution of the H-bonding Configuration with Domain Length

William H. Robertson, Erica A. Price, J. Mathias Weber, Joong-Won Shin, Gary H. Weddle, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 107, (34), pp. 6527-6532

Snapshots of water at work

William H. Robertson, Eric G. Diken and Mark A. Johnson
Science, Vol. 301, (5631), pp. 320-321

Dominant structural motifs of NO⋅(H2O)n complexes: Infrared spectroscopic and ab initio studies

Evgeniy M. Myshakin, Kenneth D. Jordan, William H. Robertson, Gary H. Weddle, and Mark A. Johnson
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 118, (11), pp. 4945-4953