Sean and Santino gave a lab tour and research overview to a packed crowd for Yale Pathways to Science participants over Zoom. Looking good, guys!
Nan stopped by New Haven for the last ride. The Group resumed one of our dearest traditions: we celebrated Nan’s accomplishments and contributions at Mark’s house...
Yale lifts mask-wearing requirement for fully vaccinated individuals! This means the group room is being re-populated and presentations going back on the big screen. Seen...
The group welcomed new postdoc, Tim Schleif, and Yale undergrad Margaux Diebold, to the first weekly group meeting of this month. Tim will be joining us in July after...
Mark gave an invited talk at the Cold Molecules session of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics National meeting in June.
Additionally, group alum Dr....
Now that the semester has ended and the group has been fully vaccinated, we resumed one of our annual traditions of going to Paradise Hills Winery. The weather was perfect...
JLab members said goodbye to Nan Yang and Helen Zeng, both defended their Ph.D. theses! Nan is moving to UW Madison and Helen is moving to Stanford for their post-docs. In...