Pictured from left to right: Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington, Sean C. Edington,...
Ahmed, Santino, and Thien toured Germany in August and visited our colleagues in Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg’s Group (Technical University of Kaiserslautern), Knut Asmis’...
Ahmed, Santino, and Thien kicked off their big Europe trip at the MIC conference in Italy, where Thien gave a talk and the gang caught up with Franziska over some fine...
Payten, Abhi, Thien, and Santino had a blast at the Water GRC in Holderness, NH! Mark and Santino gave talks and Thien caught up with his former undergrad PI and conference...
The group welcomed high school students participating in the Yale Pathways to Science program for an overview of our research and a tour of the labs in SCL 9, KCL 101, and...
Liv, Anna, Franziska, and Ahmed get some Lincoln Luck before their talks at ISMS!
Sayoni Mitra completed her PhD and is now working at Intel.
Evan H. Perez also completed his PhD and has started a postdoc with Peter B. Armentrout at the University of Utah...