Sayoni Mitra completed her PhD and is now working at Intel.
Evan H. Perez also completed his PhD and has started a postdoc with Peter B. Armentrout at the University of Utah.
Postdoc Joseph Messinger accepted a position as Associate Editor at the American Institute of Physics (AIP) after an amazingly productive year working on our CAICE interfacial photochemistry projects.
Anna Rullán Buxó finished her BS in chemistry in spectacular fashion as acknowledged by her earning the coveted Bergmann Award for the most outstanding chemistry major. She is now off to a Fulbright Fellowship in South Korea.
Margeaux Diebold graduated with a BS in Chemistry.
Franziska Dahlmann, visiting scholar from University of Innsbruck, and Kim Greis, visiting Fulbright scholar from the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin, headed back to the old countries after stunningly productive visits with us.