Mark, Nan, Joanna and Sean all gave presented talks at the National ACS meeting in Orlando, FL.
Congrats to Nan, Chinh and Patrick on the publication of their spectra of isolated H2O molecules in the Cs+(H2O)(D2O)19 cluster in Science! This is the first time that an...
Celebrating Dan Neumark’s Debye award at the Orlando ACS meeting with another Lineberger alum Nancy Levinger!
The group enjoyed a wonderful time skiing in Stratton, Vermont this year!
The group hosted a great two week visit from Einar Uggerud and students Sverre Løyland and Joakim Jestilä. They brought with them two very interesting, and challenging...
Congratulations to group undergraduate alum Jenny Laaser for her NSF Career award! Jenny is off to a great start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh....
Prof. Chris Johnson joins group alum Prof. Etienne Garand in being awarded the Flygare Lecture, this one at the 2019 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy! Way to...