
May 5, 2017
Dick Zare gives the first Johnson/Sessler Lecture on the Cinco de Mayo! This lectureship was made possible through the generosity of Jonathan Sessler, Welch Professor at the...
Mark Johnson at UC Berkeley
April 19, 2017
Mark is enjoying a spectacular visit to his alma mater, UC Berkeley, as a Visiting Miller Professor during April, 2017.  Many thanks to the Miller Institute for their...
JLab display at CAICE
April 6, 2017
The Johnson Lab gave a CAICE demo at Yale Science Saturday for New Haven area students and the general public this weekend. They looked at ions in rainwater, detecting them...
Visitors on the steps of building
March 20, 2017
The Johnson lab loved having Thomas Niemann and Anne Strate (from Ralf Ludwig’s group at the Universität Rostock) joining the lab to look at the behaviors of...
February 22, 2017
The Johnson Lab was reunited with some alumni and old friends at the Gaseous Ions GRC in Ventura, CA last week! Always good to catch up with some familiar faces! photo credit...
February 22, 2017
Recent work by the Johnson Lab on the Grotthuss mechanism has been highlighted in both the Japanese journal Kagaku (translated: Chemistry) and on the NSF homepage for News...
February 21, 2017
Taking advantage of the beautiful February weather in Ojai, CA by spending the afternoon golfing during the Gaseous Ions GRC last week!