Over the past couple of months, the Johnson group has made some pretty major strides in the lab!
Our next generation machine, dubbed “the mini-machine” has come on-line. Even...
The group went on their annual ski retreat to Stratton last week. Despite some icy skiing on the first day, they all had a blast!
National Academy of Science 2014 inductees Mark Johnson (center) and Marcia Johnson (right) meet up at National Academy Reception in Washington, D.C. along with Mark’s...
Congratulations to Fabian and Steph who were chosen to give talks at the Molecular & Ionic Clusters Gordon Research Conference and Seminar (respectively) in Ventura, CA...
Mark gave the Nieuwland Lectures at the University of Notre Dame (three of them!), and had a chance to catch up with group alum Erica Price.
Mark gives the Harry Gunning Lectures (three of ‘em!) at The University of Alberta. Special thanks to Yunjie Xu and Wolfgang Jaeger for hosting!
After much hard work, we...
The Johnson Lab took their annual sailing trip this week. We had beautiful weather and some great wind! As always, thanks to Gary for captaining another awesome trip!