Our paper on the excess proton vibrational signature in the “magic” H+(H2O)21 cluster, just published in Science, is highlighted by the Royal Society of Chemistry in...
Mark is featured on Yale News along with two other Yale professors for his election to the National Academy of Sciences. National Academy members are elected “in recognition...
Joseph Fournier and Conrad Wolke attended the Molecular and Ionic Clusters Gordon Research Conference in Lucca, Italy, where our previous graduate student Christopher Leavitt...
Arron Wolk got married on a Florida beach to his beautiful wife Amanda, and accepts a position at Intel Corportation.
Andrew DeBlase accepts a postdoctoral appointment in...
Dr. Chris Johnson accepts an Asst. Prof. position at Stony Brook University. Congratulations Chris!
1st year graduate students Stephanie Craig and Patrick Kelleher join the...
The group completes another successful retreat at the Stratton Ski Resort.
Professor Johnson gives the Student Invited Lecture at Indiana University. Special thanks to Sarah...
The Johnson Lab is collaborating in the NSF Center for Aerosol Impacts on Climate and the Environment (CAICE), combining our experience in small water and salt clusters with...