Professor Anne B. McCoy from The Ohio State University arrives as a Visiting Professor for six weeks bringing much need spectroscopic insight to many of our unsolved puzzles...
Mark Johnson accepts editorship of Annual Reviews in Physical Chemistry.
The group enjoys its yearly ski retreat to Stratton, Vermont, with over 18 inches of fresh powder!
ESI Ion Source installed by Bruker on 7.0T Wide-Bore Magnet, first FT-ICR mass spectrum obtained.
Rachael Relph takes Post Doctoral position with the group, developing next...
Mark Johnson is the program chair for PHYS division at National ACS meeting in Boston, MA.
Johnson Lab research is highlighted in a Royal Society of Chemistry (RCS) article...
Mark Johnson is elected to the 2010 class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society.
Etienne Garand joins the Johnson Lab as a Postdoctoral fellow.
ICR mass spectrometer...
Steven Horn takes Media Relations job with the New England Patriots in Foxboro, Massachusetts.
Paul Campagnola accepts a Tenured Professorship at the Biomedical Engineering...