Our recent publication in Science has been featured in Yale Scientific.
Kristin Breen accepts a position at Tiger Optics. Helen Gerardi receives an NRC fellowship and is commencing a post-doc at NRL. Michael Kamrath is commencing a post-doc in...
Etienne Garand accepts an assistant professor position at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Julia Smith and Conrad Wolke join the Johnson Group.
The Johnson lab is featured on Yale News for its recent developments in cryogenic ion spectroscopy. The group goes on its annual winter retreat to assess our directions and...
Joe Fournier was awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship.
Dr. Josh Melko is visiting in from Dr. Al Viggiano’s lab at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. Josh’s visit marks the...
Florian Schinle spends four weeks away from Dr. Kappes’ group in Karlsruhe, Germany to help us set up an IRMPD experiment on our ICR. Florian’s efforts paid off and we...